a small village in rural High Suffolk
Reverend Enid Pow revenid4rivers@gmail.com 01986 743093
Reverend Ronald Orams ron.orams@talktalk.net 07721 682183
Reverend Christine Smart rev.chrissiesmart@gmail.com 01728 627838
Lay Elders:
PCC Secretary:
Tina Smiddy 01379 388298
Mothering Sunday Service,
Palm Sunday Service,
Good Friday Meditation,
Easter Day Family Communion,
Rogation Service,
St. Lawrence's Patronal Feast and Service,
Harvest Service,
Remembrance Sunday Service,
Christmas Carols by Candlelight and
Christmas Midnight Communion.
There are also occasional benefice services.
For all details see the latest Brunby Newsletter on this website.
You will be made very welcome in our church at all times.