a small village in rural High Suffolk
The following Parish Councillors were elected/adopted unopposed:
Neil Parsons. (Chairman)
Yew Tree Farm, Brundish
07710 154255
Carl King (Vice Chairman & RFO)
Plum Tree Cottage, Brundish 07713 883295
George Austin.
Broadview. Bungalow, Brundish 07769 153216
Paul Smiddy.
Little Manor Farm, Brundish 07900 497716
Anders Linder District Councillor for Stradbroke and Laxfield Wards anders.linder@midsuffolk.gov.uk
Matthew Hicks is our Mid-Suffolk District Councillor (for the Worlingworth Ward) and also Suffolk County Councillor (for the Thredling Division).
For further information, queries or comments, please contact Amanda Austin, Brundish Parish Clerk, Tel 07599 458553 E-mail brundishparishclerk@gmail.com.